vmkwarning.log:2013-05-03T17:27:59.813Z cpu5:4151)WARNING: PFrame: vm 1543881: 1514: Deallocating pinned pgNum 0x0, pinCount 1 throttle 0. vobd.log:2013-05-03T17:27:56.966Z: [UserWorldCorrelator] 1984725641586us: [vob.uw.core.dumped] /bin/vmx(1543893) /vmfs/volumes/51548019- 3efd569e-d4d8-002590840e37/ ServiceVM/vmx-zdump.000 vobd.log:2013-05-03T17:27:56.966Z: [UserWorldCorrelator] 1984705573722us: [esx.problem.application.core. dumped] An application (/bin/vmx) running on ESXi host has crashed (1 time(s) so far). A core file may have been created at /vmfs/volumes/51548019- 3efd569e-d4d8-002590840e37/ ServiceVM/vmx-zdump.000. Seems CVM crash-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16276242 May 3 17:27 vmmcores-1.gz-r-------- 1 root root 5394432 May 3 17:27 vmx-zdump.000-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 240217 May 3 17:28 vmware-5.log-rw------- 1 root root 54525952 May 4 02:34 vmx-ServiceVM-830969
Solution |
to get the current IPaddress:
~ # /ipmitool lan print 1| egrep "IP Address|Subnet|Gateway IP|VLAN"ESXi#/ipmitool lan print 1 IP Address Source : Static Address IP Address : Subnet Mask : Default Gateway IP : Backup Gateway IP : 802.1q VLAN ID : Disabled 802.1q VLAN Priority : 0 ~ # /ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static
~ # /ipmitool lan set 1 netmask
Setting LAN Subnet Mask to
~ # /ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr
~ # /ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr Locator LED : /ipmitool chassis identify force Set the locator LED off /ipmitool chassis identify 0 Set the locator LED upto 255 seconds /ipmitool chassis identify 255 SEL events: /ipmitool sel list /ipmitool -v sel list ( more verbose) sensor readings /ipmitool sensor list Reset the BMC: /ipmitool mc reset cold
/ipmitool raw 0x06 0x02
To find the serial number of the system: /ipmitool fru list
To reset the server
/ipmitool chassis power off/off/cycle/reset /ipmitool chassis power diag -to send NMI to ESXi(server) - to create purple screen of death or bsod in MS IPMI policy when the power is restored:
~ # /ipmitool chassis policy
chassis policy <state>
list : return supported policies
always-on : turn on when power is restored
previous : return to previous state when power is restored
always-off : stay off after power is restored
IPMI network connectivity:
IPMI Power supply commands /ipmitool -v sdr type "Power Supply" ~ # /ipmitool raw 0x06 0x52 0x07 0x70 0x01 0x0c - top power supply good 01 ~ # /ipmitool raw 0x06 0x52 0x07 0x72 0x01 0x0c -bottom power supply bad. 00 |