get-VM -Location *Proteus* | where { $ -ne "Proteus-C1" -And $ -ne "Proteus-C2" -And $ -ne "Proteus-C3" -And $ -ne "Proteus-C4" } | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false
Stop-VM (get-VM AlWinDows* |where {$_.'PowerState' -eq "PoweredOn"}) -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
$global:testIterations = 75
for($i=1; $i -le $global:testIterations; $i++){
Stop-VM (get-VM *Win* -Location Atlas-Cluster |where {$_.'PowerState' -eq "PoweredOn"}) -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
Start-Sleep -Seconds 100
Start-VM (get-VM *Win* -Location Atlas-Cluster |where {$_.'PowerState' -ne "PoweredOn"}) -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
get VMHost| get-VM Windows7-*| where {$_.'PowerState' -eq "PoweredOn"} | Stop-VM
Stop-VM (get-VM AlWinDows* |where {$_.'PowerState' -eq "PoweredOn"}) -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
$global:testIterations = 75
for($i=1; $i -le $global:testIterations; $i++){
Stop-VM (get-VM *Win* -Location Atlas-Cluster |where {$_.'PowerState' -eq "PoweredOn"}) -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
Start-Sleep -Seconds 100
Start-VM (get-VM *Win* -Location Atlas-Cluster |where {$_.'PowerState' -ne "PoweredOn"}) -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
get VMHost| get-VM Windows7-*| where {$_.'PowerState' -eq "PoweredOn"} | Stop-VM
$global:testIterations = 10
ReplyDeletefor($i=1; $i -le $global:testIterations; $i++) {
write-host "Template to Clone"
new-vm -Name WinAtlas$testIterations -VMhost 172.-Template Atlas_Windows_Template -Datastore Atlas-Nutanix-datastore }
$global:testIterations = 10
for($i=1; $i -le $global:testIterations; $i++){
new-vm -Name WinDowsAtlas$i -VMhost 172 -Template Atlas_Windows_Template -Datastore Atlas-NTNX-datastore }
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